In June 2024 we visited this beautiful little reserve where we stayed in a delightful camp overlooking a waterhole. 

Impala drinking at the waterhole at Thawale Lodge

Giraffes are apparently an unusual sight in this park - this is the South African subspecies.

Is this my best side? A hippo in Shire River

Our tent at Thawale Lodge

African Darter

Nile Crocodile

Böhm's Bee Eater


Pied Kingfisher just about to dive into the river

Little Bee Eater

Hippo out of water

ASrnot's Chat

Fork Tailed Drongo


Warthog drinking

Nyala at the waterhole

Nyala drinking

Nyala suckling

Young Waterbuck

Waterbuck drinking

Close-up of Waterbuck


Greater Kudu

Lion seen on a night drive

Marabou Stork

Nyala with wonky horns

Nyala with perfect horns

Nyala - a tender moment

Verreaux's Eagler Owl

Yellow Baboon

A young Yellow Baboon drinking

A very young baby baboon

Bateleur Eagle with nest

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