Tips on how to fly a drone, what to photograph, what NOT to photograph, EHERE not to photograph, a short intro about the law regarding flying a drone, different types of drones, and I will even bring my drone along to show you how it is probably easier to fly than you think.

I do a live demonstration where interaction from the audience is encouraged, showing many of the hacks I use to improve my photographs. 

When the programme secretary for a camera club wrote to me and asked if I'd do a talk to their club based on the images under my NATURE and LANDSCAPE heading on the website, my first thought was "But I'm not a landscape photographer...". I then realised, after looking through the images under that tab, that I have taken an awful lot of landscape photos over the years. In this talk I will show pictures from all over the world, taken on my travels over the last 40+ years. 

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