This is how it all started

Desperate times calls for desperate measures - as my nail technician is not working at the moment, I had to get Diminutive Dave to do my manicure.

After having tried to manage my ever-growing nails without the help of my faithful nail-technician, I finally gave in and removed the old nail varnish after three nails broke. I then, of course, had to ask Diminutive Dave to paint them for me. He did a grand job!

Having made a useful little table for Peanut Pete, our resident squirrel, Diminutive Dave wanted to share his picnic!

Diminutive Dave and Peanut Pete are now best friends forever, and even share a bath!

I love fresh peas, but it is such a pain shelling them. Thank goodness I have Diminutive Dave to do that for me.

Tomatoes always go well with pasta, but no-one remembered to tell Diminutive Dave that he is supposed to take them out of the tin, not put them in.

Breakfast is more Diminutive Dave's thing, at least he can crack an egg for me.

Or butter a crumpet. I didn't have the heart to tell Diminutive Dave that I prefer mine well toasted first!

We both love freshly squeezed orange juice

Diminutive Dave loves his early morning porridge so much, he can't wait to dive in!

Diminutive Dave also makes me several cups of coffee throughout the day, many of which we have on our covered terrace, often with a ginger biscuit to dunk.

He'll also throw together a salad for lunch

Or chap up a broccoli to go with dinner,

It's Friday night - time to crack open a cider!

Bird watching is another relaxing hobby of his.

He also tries to beat me at Scrabble

We both enjoy a picnic in the country

DD went off to Africa for a safari

He made friends with the animals

Not all the locals were friendly

Some of them were so hostile that he came back home

He soon started saving his pennies for another trip

He hasn't decided where to go yet

But one day he just packed his bags and left