At the end of November 2022I attended one of Tom Robinson's specialist flash photography workshops. This one-to-one event is no longer available, but his hides are still very much worth a visit. Check out his website via this link: Wildlife Photography Hides.
You can also check out my blog entry featuring my previous visits to Tom's pond hide
You can also check out my blog entry featuring my previous visits to Tom's pond hide
The idea of the session was to capture diving kingfishers in motion, using a slow shutter speed to create movement and flash to freeze the bird.
I had 14 visits from the kingfisher(s) and managed to capture 'something' on each and every dive. Here are a few of my favourites.
I had 14 visits from the kingfisher(s) and managed to capture 'something' on each and every dive. Here are a few of my favourites.